This is the story of my life:

Originally from Finland but with an international childhood, Europe is my home country.

After a few years of studies, I became a young engineer. Loving working with others, being a good communicator, and organized as well as structured in everything I do, I thought why not use all this in my everyday life, in the hobbies and the business life. But it wasn't enough, so after some extra time on the bench, I finally made it to being a Project Manager.

My free time is mostly spent exercising, doing some DIY, listening to music, taking pictures or growing my social network... friends and family are so important!

Anyhow, that's the short version.

Oh and that's me and my wife:

My Projects & Links:

Here you will find links to the things I am (or have been) working on

There are links to the DIY projects, the sites I did, my projects,

and there are also some more prersonal pages like my CV and my pictures

My Projects & Links in details

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Geneva Traffic

A site to see the high-way webcams in the Geneva area.


Here are some projects I'm working on hosted on GitHub. Some are on-hold and others are to come (when I have some time)

Photo blog

Some of my trips and nice pictures I've taken along the road.


Here you will find my Linkedin and my CV Blog where I described a bit my professional life.


Here is my DIY projects. Among them is my latest DIY, my speaker creation project fully documented. Hopefully it can help a few audiophiles to make some great speakers!

The rest is under construction

Contact me